Ultimus Recognized by Five Business Process Automation Analyst Firms
Over the last six months, Ultimus was recognized in reports by five business process automation analyst firms: Deep Analysis; Everest Group; 451...
Over the last six months, Ultimus was recognized in reports by five business process automation analyst firms: Deep Analysis; Everest Group; 451...
Ultimus is recognized in reports by leading business process automation analyst firms: Deep Analysis, Everest Group, and 451 Research.
451 Research, a global research and advisory firm, initiated coverage of Ultimus and the Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite.
Deep Analysis, a leading process management advisory firm, spotlights Ultimus in their recent vendor report.
Ultimus is recognized as a representative vendor in the 2021 Gartner® Market Guide for Business Process Automation Tools.
Ultimus was recently recognized in reports by three leading digital process automation vendors: Deep Analysis, Everest Group, and Forrester Research.
The vendor profile calls Ultimus “one of the most comprehensive and well-thought-through digital process management systems on the market”.
Forrester Research has described Ultimus as one of the vendors driving the next advance in low-code software development – Prescriptive Low-Code.
Forrester Research’s report describes how “Ultimus embraced the prescriptive low-code approach for process-automation apps before the approach had a...
Forrester Research named Ultimus a contender in Digital Process Automation. Ultimus was ranked with the top score for Tooling for Platform &...
Ultimus was included in two recent reports by Forrester Research: The Forrester Wave™: Digital Process Automation For Wide Deployments, Q1 2019 and...
Ultimus was included in Forrester's recent report, The Forrester Wave™: Digital Process Automation For Wide Deployments, Q1 2019 (subscription or...
Digital process automation for wide deployments (AKA DPA-wide) and low-code development platforms let application development and delivery (AD&D)...
In this analyst report, author Neil Ward-Dutton provides an overview of Ultimus in the marketplace as well as detailed reviews of the Ultimus...
An MWD analyst article describes how blockchain has evolved from its cryptocurrency origins to enterprise adoption in a variety of use cases and...
MWD Advisors, a UK-based digital technology research and advisory firm, today published a report on the use of public blockchain technology in...
Analysts from MWD Advisors describe the challenges of Digital Transformation & the technologies that define strategic advantage in the digital age.
Where cost savings were once the primary driver of BPM projects, the emphasis is changing to customer experience and, ultimately, to digital...
Ultimus, a provider of low-code BPM technology, held its largest & most successful webinar to date: Accelerating Digital Transformation with Low-Code...
In order to accelerate digital transformation, IT leaders are turning to low-code BPM platforms that enable the delivery of applications in days and...
Ultimus has been recognized as one of the key global players providing BPM solutions in China by Forrester Research.