Ultimus Citizen Development Workspace
The only technology for the governance of large-scale low-code development initiatives
The Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite (Ultimus DPA Suite) is the only low-code platform that provides technology to govern large-scale, multi-persona low-code development initiatives.
The Ultimus Citizen Development Workspace (CDWS) allows developers of all skill levels to create powerful, useful solutions - without the risk commonly associated with enterprise-scale low-code initiatives: security vulnerabilities, data leakages, uncontrolled expansion of use and cost, and exploding technical debt.
CDWS allows central IT to administer the entire low-code initiative including:
Granting access to functionality and resources based on risk and skill level
Setting policies and parameters for usage
Creating managed libraries of secure, quality composable digital assets, integrations, and task automations.
Low-code developers – from “citizen developers” through professional developers - can create separate low-code workspaces for particular needs and use cases; manage workspace participants, roles and activities; and utilize the Ultimus DPA Suite to compose processes, forms, reports, and applications.
CDWS benefits include:
Reduced development and administrative costs by leveraging non-professionals
Ability to create more powerful, useful solutions using Ultimus composable digital assets
Visibility, monitoring, and inventorying applications, users, and solution ownership
Ensures best practice and enforces standards, consistency, and manageability
Avoids uncontrolled explosion of use, resources, cost, and technical debt
Eliminates security vulnerabilities, data leakage, and policy/compliance violations
Importantly, CDWS, like all our platform modules, was created using the Ultimus DPA Suite, so it’s tailorable and extendable to meet each organization’s risk tolerance.
Contact us to learn more about CDWS or select a CDWS demo below..
Ultimus provides one of the most comprehensive and well-thought-through digital process management systems on the market.
— Analyst and Deep Analysis founder Alan Pelz-Sharpe.
Using Application Composition to Realize Strategic Automation
Learn how a central bank enhanced financial stability by migrating the licensing and oversight activities of all financial institutions to a digital format.
Begin with the End in Mind for Strategic Automation Value
This video outlines the pitfalls of many intelligent process automation initiatives, as well as the technologies that can deliver automation faster.