Ultimus Webinars and Videos

Featured Videos

Watch Analysis.tech’s episode of Low Down on Low-Code with Leigh Michl, CEO of Ultimus, and Rob Koplowitz, co-founder of Analysis.tech and one of the true experts in Digital Process Automation.  Leigh and Rob discuss the evolution of process automation, the impact of AI, and the importance of orchestration in digital transformation. 


Blockchain - A Practical Reality for Digital Process Automation

Ultimus and leading blockchain industry experts discuss and demonstrate how BPM and blockchain technologies combine to solve fundamental problems facing digital business initiatives in banking, healthcare, law, medical technology, government, compliance, and more. 

Learn how to use Ultimus and artificial intelligence to make transformational end-to-end invoice automation a practical reality for your organization.


Ultimus outlines the pitfalls of many intelligent process automation initiatives, as well as the thinking and technologies that can deliver automation faster and better - and avoid explosions in complexity, technical debt, and total cost of ownership.

All Videos


Analysis.tech's Podcast with Ultimus CEO Leigh Michl

Watch Analysis.tech’s episode of Low Down on Low-Code with Leigh Michl, CEO of Ultimus, and Rob Koplowitz, co-founder of Analysis.tech and one of the true experts in Digital Process Automation.  Leigh and Rob discuss the evolution of process automation, the impact of AI, and the importance of orchestration in digital transformation. 



Ultimus Case Management/ Customer Support Framework Video

The Ultimus DPA Suite based Case Management/Customer Support Framework is a true end-to-end solution configurable to meet the exact needs of the most sophisticated use cases. It optimizes customer experience and operational efficiency and minimizes implementation effort




Ultimus Flobots® Orchestrate Innovative New Technologies into Powerful End-to-End Solutions

With reusable, drag-and-drop automations, you no longer need teams of people with specialized knowledge to orchestrate innovative new technologies like Intelligent Document Processing, WhatsApp, Blockchain, Natural Language Processing, and ChatGPT into powerful, end-to-end automated business process solutions


Ultimus 2024 Product Release Webinar

Ultimus has released Ultimus 2024, the latest version of the Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite, our leading low-code application and business process automation platform.  

Realize realize the strategic benefits of enterprise-wide automation - without an explosion of complexity and cost. 



How to Use Machine Learning to Optimize Your Invoice Approval Process

While invoice workflow automation produces huge gains in productivity, using machine learning to extract invoice data takes efficiency to the next level.

This webinar will show Ultimus customers how to create an optimized end-to-end invoice solution that incorporates AI/ML technology, as well as best practice use of the Ultimus platform.


Ultimus’ Digital Process Automation vision: Turning business processes into digital assets that can be composed and recomposed into “software families” and business-relevant “360 degree views” of customers, interactions, and opportunities – true digital transformation.


Digital - Schnell und Pragmatisch

Mit dem Förderprogramm „Digital Jetzt“ wird die Automatisierung von Geschäftsprozessen so günstig wie nie. Ultimus und six-winners haben dazu ein Paket „DIGITAL - SCHNELL UND PRAGMATISCH“ zusammengestellt, welches sich auf schnelle Erfolge beim Kunden fokussiert.


Invoice Processing Transformed with Artificial Intelligence and Ultimus Digital Process Automation

This webinar demonstrates how modern intelligent automation technologies can quickly and easily transform complex business processes.

Ultimus and Gini GmbH have brought together two of today’s most exciting new technologies - Artificial Intelligence and low-code digital process automation – to eliminate the cost, complexity, and limitations of automated invoice processing.


Eingangsrechnung leicht gemacht – Artificial Intelligence (AI) und Composed Process Solutions® (CPS) machen es möglich

Mit dem AI Service der Firma Gini werden alle Elemente einer Rechnung, die für eine digitale Verarbeitung notwendig sind, ohne OCR-Training erkannt. Dieser leistungsfähige AI-Service besticht durch seine außerordentliche Erkennungsqualität und wird in Ultimus als Digitales Asset bereitgestellt. Mit der einzigartigen Ultimus CPS Technologie werden auf Basis von Digitalen Assets anspruchsvolle und individuelle Unternehmenslösungen schnell und kostengünstig realisiert.


Blockchain - A Practical Reality for Digital Process Automation

This webinar dispels the confusion around blockchain and explains its role in enterprise business technology and processes. Learn how recent technology innovations quickly and easily overcome the practical challenges of implementing blockchain and can make blockchain-enabled applications a reality today.

In this webinar, Ultimus and leading blockchain industry experts discuss and demonstrate how business process management and blockchain technologies combine to solve fundamental problems facing digital business initiatives in banking, healthcare, law, medical technology, government, compliance - and virtually every other industry.


Successful Digital Transformation – Begin with the End in Mind

In this webinar, Neil Ward-Dutton, co-founder and Research Director of MWD Advisors, describes the challenges of Digital Transformation as well as the goals, thinking, and technologies that define, guide, and facilitate lasting strategic advantage in the digital age.

Carsten Neumann, Ultimus’ Senior Vice President – Enterprise Solutions, explains how Ultimus applied modern product line engineering and automated manufacturing principles to create Composed Process Solutions® – a Digital Automation Platform designed specifically to meet the challenge of digital transformation: creating a seamless, flexible, end-to-end digital enterprise.


What is Composed Process Solutions®?

Watch a short video clip explaining Ultimus Composed Process Solutions.

No sign up required!



Boone County Kentucky Streamlines Time Card Submission and Leave Request Processes

Watch how PROceedBPM used Ultimus CPS to quickly automate Boone County’s time card submission and leave request processes - replacing costly, time-consuming, and error-prone manual processes with a family of powerful, mobile-ready, intuitive, and connected software applications.


Traditional BPM Gives Way to Digital Process Automation

In this webinar, Forrester Research Vice President and Principal Analyst Rob Koplowitz explains Forrester’s rationale for replacing BPM with Digital Process Automation and how the digitization of all business functions is an imperative that will become the strategic differentiator of the future.


Learn about the most significant changes in the newly released Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite 2021. Ultimus has been hard at work developing newly enhanced tools, features and functionalities to help you better manage, automate, and optimize your business processes.


Ultimus Composed Process Solutions® Demonstration

This demonstration, recorded live as part of a webinar that included John R. Rymer of Forrester Research and M. Nasir Hussain, CPS customer and BPM & Group Risk Specialist with National Bank of Abu Dhabi, shows how the unique Composed Process Solutions approach:

  • Enables delivery of powerful process applications in minutes by composing – referring to “smart” CPS digital assets;
  • Creates software application families that work together as one larger solution for cross-selling, up-selling, and improved customer experience; and
  • Creates software that is automatically Global- and mobile-capable.

Ultimus Digital Process Automation Demo

This video, recorded live as part of a webinar featuring guest speakers Rob Koplowitz, Vice President and Principal Analyst of Forrester Research, Brian Patsy of PROceed BPM, and Usama Mehmood, Director – Enterprise Solutions - North America, Middle East, Africa of Ultimus, shows a brief Digital Process Automation Demo.

Usama Mehmood presents the Ultimus Composed Process Solutions vision of Digital Process Automation: Replacing today’s notion of business process automation – doing what we do today in electronic form – with a new notion – turning business processes into digital assets that can be composed and recomposed on demand for ongoing business transformation.


Introduction to Composed Process Solutions®

Ultimus introduces CPS, a new “industrial approach” to low-code development, and describes how automated manufacturing – generating software from business requirements - produces unmatched improvements in software delivery time, quality, manageability, cost - and business value.


Accelerating Digital Transformation with Low-Code Platforms

Our guest presenter John R. Rymer, Forrester Research Vice President and Principal Analyst, explains how Application Development & Delivery must evolve to realize true transformation: an entire enterprise in digital form, capable of innovating, changing, and responding at the speed of digital.


Begin with the End in Mind for Strategic Automation Value

Enterprises across every industry are accelerating their efforts to digitize every aspect of their business. But to realize strategic value from these initiatives – pervasive, flexible, and seamlessly connected end-to-end business processes – you need to think about more than just speeding up application delivery. You need to begin with the end in mind!

This video outlines the pitfalls of many intelligent process automation initiatives, as well as the thinking and technologies that can deliver automation faster and better.




Using Low-Code BPM Platforms to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Our guest presenter, Forrester Research Principal Analyst Clay Richardson, explains how the need to accelerate digital transformation has created a new business case for BPM and fueled the emergence of low-code BPM platforms. 

Carsten Neumann of Ultimus introduces Composed Process Solutions, a new “industrial approach” to low-code development, and describes how automated manufacturing – generating software from business requirements - produces unmatched improvements in software delivery time, quality, manageability, cost - and business value.

Hasan Irmak, CEO of ImageWare AG, examines the benefits and risks of low-code platforms and his criteria for selecting a platform vendor.