Ultimus EMEA Partners

Europe, Middle East, Africa

Accelerate Digital Transformation, EMEA

Accelerate Digital Transformation is a leader specialized in equipping organizations with all required during a digital transformation journey. During the process, they use and adapt only technology Ultimus. Customers who use ADT services and Ultimus solutions will enjoy increased revenues, reduced costs, and greater customer satisfaction.

Accelerate Digital Transformationacceleratedt.com

BDO, Germany

BDO AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft is a founding member of BDO International (established in 1963). With more than 88,000 employees across 167 countries, it is currently the only globally active auditing and consulting organization with European roots. The BDO financial services experts work with leading banks, investment managers and insurance companies in the major global financial hubs as well as in most other countries in the BDO network on tailored solutions.

Ultimus and BDO have jointly developed and market a corporate and wholesale banking credit digitization framework that provides banks with a fast, cost effective path to digital transformation of the credit underwriting, credit monitoring, loan administration, and relationship management functions.


Crea, Slovenia

Crea is a consulting firm focused comprehensively on business process management, secure e-business and related technologies. Through the synergy of extensive experience and knowledge of highly qualified leading experts from various fields, CREA enables organizations to achieve greater efficiency of their business processes and easy transition to secure e-business.

Crea crea.si

Elsuhd Net, Iraq

Elsuhd Net is a global technology innovator driven by a long history of business ingenuity and technical expertise. A leader in internet services since 1999, Elsuhd Net maintains two distinct and dynamic divisions: high performance products and technology solutions, with a shared vision for technology excellence. With operations throughout Iraq, and the middle east, their mission is to serve as an indispensable technology partner to businesses around the world. Elsuhd Net is distinguished by a team of experts who develop and deploy high performance products and technology solutions that deliver the best business outcomes to companies large and small. Elsuhd Net enables businesses to use technology as a strategy, not just a solution. Their High Performance Products and Technology Solutions Divisions inspire greatness in companies of all sizes.


Gini, Germany

Gini knows how annoying paperwork can be in times of digitalization and digital transformation. That’s why they were founded in 2011 with the purpose to free the world from unnecessary paperwork - and with this providing more time for what’s really meaningful.

How do they do this? By using their self-learning artificial intelligence to extract information from documents. So far, they convinced millions of end-users by offering the highest quality in data extraction and the digitalization of documents, such as invoices and invoice related. Up to 50 data fields from invoices including all accounting relevant data can be successfully extracted and digitized. As a reward, Gini is the market leader in Germany in the area of photo payment. With Gini’s digitization service "Smart Accounting" customers can even automate the input management for their invoices.


ImageWare AG, Switzerland

ImageWare AG has been a leading Swiss provider of integrated enterprise content management (ECM) solutions since 1994. In addition to consulting, our offer includes the analysis, design and conception of modern solutions as well as the technical integration and connection to existing IT systems. Our know-how is combined with the experience with innovative technologies of our long-standing partners. Both components are absolutely necessary for the uncompromising quality of IT solutions. In addition to the classic documents, records management and workflow solutions, ImageWare is successfully active in the areas of Office Template Management and Enhanced Scanning & Data Extraction.

Image Ware AGimageware.ch

Metafinanz, Germany

metafinanz Informationssysteme GmbH, an independent member of the Allianz Group, provides holistic Business & IT Consulting services, translating strategic goals into efficient business processes and state-of-the-art IT solutions.

Ultimus and metafinanz have jointly developed and market “doc.assist”, a mobile-device based electronic point-of-care documentation solution for hospitals and other healthcare providers in Germany.



Namaa, Saudi Arabia

Namaa Company is a Riyadh, Saudi Arabia based provider of application development, infrastructure, IT security, IOT, big data, and IT operation and maintenance services and consulting.  Founded in 2004, Namaa’s business process management practice facilitates the automation of high volume transaction processes and complex processes.



Qatar Computer Services (QCS), Qatar

QCS provides total solutions in Information Technology. They can respond to all of your hardware, web development, application software, networking, technical and after sales. QCS represents reputed brands in IT products & Solutions. Their product portfolio includes desktop and notebook computers, servers (both CISC & RISC processor based), pocket PCs, data capture devices, ID card, bar code, laser, matrix & line printers, networking active and passive components, wireless networking devices, proximity card readers, access control devices and many more.

Qatar Computer Services WLL


Rolta, Middle East And Africa

Rolta helps organizations gain valuable business insights and provides dynamic technology solutions for various verticals, including Utilities, Transportation, Process, Power, Banking and Insurance amongst others. Rolta is a leading provider of innovative IT solutions for many vertical segments, including Federal and State Governments, Defense and Homeland Security, Utilities, Process, Power, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Retail, and Healthcare. These enterprise level solutions are built around Rolta’s intellectual property and domain expertise to offer unique business intelligence for impactful insights for effective decision making.



The One Solutions, Netherlands

The ONE is a professional and independent provider of Enterprise Content Management products and services. We develop, build and deliver solutions to both profit and non-profit organizations in the Benelux. Our team consists of driven professionals who have proven themselves in recent years. All professionals are focused on results and collaboration. Regardless of the type of organization and level within the organization. Central to this are a pragmatic approach and realistic objectives so that a tailor-made solution based on proven technologies is realized for you. We have a network of alliances at both local and global levels. Our professionals have the right personal qualities and work with the most modern technological tools so that we are able to realize innovative solutions for you.

The One Solutionsthe-one-solutions.nl

WebLink, Italy

For 20 years, WebLink's vision has been based on an innovative spirit, that has always led them to explore and experiment with new technologies. They offer solutions able to perfectly meet all needs, while remaining consistent with their vision. This is how they become real investments in innovation, able to create the basis for new opportunities and perspectives.


Your Ideas Ltd., Greece

Your Ideas L.T.D., founded in Athens in 2002 by experienced members of the Greek IT community with the objective of offering technologically advanced solutions in the designing, automation and management of important business processes as well as in the collection, organization, archiving and management of corporate data. The executive work force is made up of field professionals who enjoy long term experience in the relevant field. The employees possess high technical training and experience in the spheres of realization, application, modification, localization and maintenance of such systems. Through focusing their interests and activities in the Business Process & Enterprise Content Management technologies, they improve, develop, promote and guarantee the utmost quality in the provision of solutions and services.



Ultimus Partners

Benefits of Partnering with Ultimus:

  • Unique "Accelerate Partner Training" programs
  • Proven BPM delivery methodology
  • Joint marketing programs
  • Dedicated Partner Portal for support and collaboration

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What are the Benefits of the Premium Partner Program?

As an Ultimus DPA Suite Premium Partner you will see a great number of benefits including:

Royalty model

A partner-friendly & flexible royalty model

Premium Partners have access to Ultimus DPA technologies (Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite, CPS, and UATS) without prohibitive minimum prices or exorbitant vendor licensing fees.

Ongoing mentoring


Premium Partners receive in-depth ongoing mentoring assistance and participate in monthly technology and best practices updates - at no cost.

Alignment with Vision & Best Practice

Alignment with vision & best practice

Ultimus Enterprise Solutions professionals are available to analyze Premium Partner solutions for conformity with best practices - and become CPS Certified Solutions.

Digital Assets

Access to new digital assets

Premium Partners receive ongoing access to Ultimus-created digital assets including packages, catalogs, application templates, and language translations.

orange_hands give help


Ultimus’ geographic reach ensures that Premium Partners can access Ultimus resources and Level 3 support during their own business hours. Premium Partners can also access 24/7 and other Premium Support options, if necessary, at discounted rates.

BPM Market Opportunity

Sales and marketing

Premium Partners receive Ultimus participation in one sales meeting for each qualified customer prospect and have access to Ultimus case studies, marketing resources, and licensed analyst reports.


Included in-depth

Premium Partners receive free training in all aspects of Ultimus DPA training (CPS Solutions Professional, CPS Solutions Architect, and CPS Solution Administrator), Adaptive BPM Suite training, and UATS training, for two employees as well as highly discounted training for additional employees.

high returns


Attractive discounted license prices present your organization with substantial potential to increase its revenue and grow its business.


Become an Ultimus Partner

If you're interested in becoming an Ultimus Partner or need more information, please fill out the form and we will contact you.