Ultimus Digital Process Automation Suite

Ultimus Process Repositories

To support adaptability and faster time to change, Ultimus provides a number of repositories that store process artifacts and data. Flexible user interfaces provide access so that these artifacts can be modified, reused, tested and redeployed from one central location. These repositories include:

  • Ultimus Business Organization Database – this is a central repository for business charts created in Ultimus Organization Charts, enabling job roles and responsibilities to be readily modified.
  • Ultimus Rules Repository – process rules have been extracted from the process logic and stored in a repository. The rules are exposed through the Ultimus Director graphical interface which allows rule changes to be made, tested and deployed in minutes using simple logic skills and without coding.
  • Ultimus Form Object Library - Form Objects are stored in the Form Object Library where they reside independent from the process and can be readily accessed, changed and reused from one central location.
  • Abstracted Connector Repository– connectors for 3rd party applications are abstracted from the process logic and stored in the repository where changes are made through the connectors user interface.
  • Ultimus BPM Studio Server Database – Ultimus uses this as the repository to store the state of every process and user.
  • Ultimus BPM Studio Repository - this repository functions in conjunction with Ultimus BPM Studio to maintain data pertaining to process design.

Automate more with less effort at higher quality, reach your goals, and transform your business forever.

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