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Software Downloads: Ultimus Manual Clients

The Ultimus (Standard .NET) Client and Ultimus Forms created within BPM Studio applications are Windows technologies (Ultimus V8/V2016 is .NET based and Ultimus V7 is ActiveX based). The ActiveX based Ultimus V7 components are downloaded to client machines from the Ultimus BPM Server the first time a client user connects to the Ultimus BPM Server to participate in a process. However, sometimes an organization's security settings or PC configuration will prevent the download of ActiveX controls and, therefore, prevent users from installing the Ultimus Client software needed to participate in Ultimus processes. Ultimus V8/2016 does not support an automated download of these components from Ultimus BPM Server.

Ultimus offers three solutions for V8/V2016 customers and for V7 customers that have users who cannot download the Ultimus Standard client and form controls (depending on the version of Ultimus BPM Suite installed):

  1. The Ultimus Manual Client executable is an executable file that can be saved to and run on a client PC, installing all necessary files for BPM participation. The Ultimus Manual Client executable is available for all versions of Ultimus BPM Suite.
  2. The Ultimus Client MSI package is a Windows .MSI file that can be installed on client machines via "push" technologies. The files that comprise the Ultimus Manual Client executable are included in the Ultimus Client MSI package. Note that Ultimus does not offer the actual "push" technology to deliver the MSI package to the client machines (the expectation is that the customer already has such a technology in place). The Ultimus Client MSI package is available starting with Ultimus BPM Suite 7.0.
  3. The Ultimus Manual Client files are the same files as provided in the Ultimus Manual Client executable, but delivered in a zip file; thus allowing you to create your own installation program. The Ultimus Manual Client files are available for all Ultimus BPM Suite releases.

The Ultimus Manual Client executable, Ultimus MSI package, and the Ultimus Manual Client files are version-specific. Please select the executable or files appropriate for your installation of Ultimus BPM Suite. Please note that the Ultimus Manual Client files listed below are compatible with the English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese BPM Suite releases.

Manual Client Installation Files

Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3 CP1

Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3


Page Last Updated: June 8, 2017