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Enterprise Integration Kit (EIK): Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3

Ultimus Enterprise Integration Kit (EIK) provides detailed technical information about customizing and extending the functionalities of Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3. Ultimus BPM Server provides an open, extensible environment for business process automation. It can be used as a fully functional and complete out-of-the-box solution for business process automation, or it can be integrated with your existing client interfaces and provide BPM functionality behind the scenes.

The Ultimus EIK .NET assembly is the heart of Ultimus EIK. The Ultimus EIK .NET assembly is the UltEIK.dll file, a dynamic link library that is designed to be called as a resource in the Microsoft development environment. The UltEIK.dll file contains all of the .NET classes necessary to manage Ultimus business processes.

Ultimus Enterprise Integration Kit Manual

The Ultimus Enterprise Integration Kit Manual (referred to henceforth as the Ultimus EIK Manual) includes documentation on the Ultimus EIK functions and methods. This manual is provided in Adobe PDF, and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print it.

Enterprise Integration Kit Manual for Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3 (PDF, 1576 KB)

Ultimus EIK Samples

The following samples provide guidance on how to use the Ultimus EIK methods and functions described in the Ultimus EIK Manual. All samples are provided for download in ZIP format. Once a ZIP file has been downloaded, uncompress the file to a directory of your choosing, then open the included PDF for installation and usage instructions.

Note that functionalities of EIK Samples have not changed since Ultimus 7.1 SP2.

  1. Sending a task with workflow variables (122 KB): This sample demonstrates how to use the Ultimus EIK to send a task. This sample demonstrates how to set values for workflow variables within a specified task, then send that task.
  2. Calling ASP.NET in Standard Forms (178 KB): This sample demonstrates how to call ASP.NET (ASPX) forms from Ultimus Standard Forms.
  3. Using a custom Flobot (414 KB): The CMFFlobot is a simple Flobot that demonstrates how to implement custom Flobots in Ultimus EIK. For understanding how custom Flobots are implemented, the CMFFlobot performs the simple task of completing an arithmetic computation based on a predefined formula.
  4. Using third-party database authentication (8,215 KB): This sample demonstrates how Ultimus EIK can use a third-party database to authenticate users. Using a third-party database for authentication would replace Ultimus BPM Suite's built-in authentication methods.
  5. Passing .NET code through an incident or task (120 KB): This sample demonstrates how to manipulate an incident or task by passing .NET code a context object of the incident and task class. Using these objects, this sample writes the information regarding the current process to a log file and saves the graphical status of the current incident. Furthermore, this sample demonstrates how to dynamically activate a step using EIK Context.
  6. Using a custom organization chart (OC) (486 KB): This sample demonstrates how to replace Ultimus Org Chart with a custom OC. Two modes in acquiring user data from third-party software are demonstrated: direct mode and transfer mode.
  7. Replacing an Ultimus Thin Form with an ASPX page (180 KB): This sample demonstrates the creation of an ASPX page using Ultimus EIK. This ASPX page replaces the Ultimus Thin Form on redirect and allows the setting of workflow variable values, then allows the user to complete the step in the sample process.
  8. Using the UltimusSubscriber class (392 KB): This sample demonstrates how to use the UltimusSubscriber class of the Ultimus EIK with Ultimus BPM Suite 7.3. In this demonstration, UltimusSubscriber class writes a log against every server fired method of IUltimusPublisher interface.
  9. Customizing Ultimus client functionality (957 KB): This sample demonstrates how to use the Ultimus EIK to customize functionality within the custom Ultimus client. This sample demonstrates how to perform such functions as refreshing the task list, viewing log on user information, setting user preferences, among others.
  10. Remotely accessing Ultimus BPM Server using .NET Remoting (799 KB): This sample demonstrates Ultimus client functionality by remotely accessing Ultimus BPM Server using .NET Remoting.
  11. Using process-level Web services (609 KB): This sample demonstrates how to use Ultimus EIK with process-level Web services to perform Ultimus BPM workflow. This sample demonstrates how process-level Web services can be used to launch and complete tasks, get task information, abort incidents, and others.
  12. Anonymous authentication (381 KB): This sample demonstrates how to launch a process incident when an anonymous user has been assigned as the recipient of the Begin step. The sample then demonstrates how to launch such incidents (whose step recipients are not part of the Ultimus Organization Chart) either using the Ultimus EIK or default form URL.
  13. FCO sample (163 KB): This sample demonstrates the use of FCO methods in Ultimus Standard Form using JavaScript. It shows how to get process information, process mode, and how to set and retrieve variable values.
Ultimus Business Process Management BPM Software Solutions