Ultimus BPM Blog | Business Process Management and Workflow News

I'll Have One Process To Go, Please...

Written by Taylor Leighton | Wed, Dec 15, 2010 @ 08:06 PM

When speaking to our prospects and customers, one thing stands out.

Most employees in an organization don't really care about business process management as a platform.

They just want the process pain to go away.

What process pain?

Everyone has gone through it.  Maybe you're a salesperson or business traveler and are required to dig out those crinkled receipts from your wallet and place them perfectly onto a sheet of paper to fax or hand-deliver to the finance department.  This is followed by the superfluous “waiting game” which you must play to ensure the expense report gets delivered and processed in a timely manner, and without errors.

Or maybe you're in Human Resources and are relieved to have finally found the right candidate for a position which was painstakingly difficult to fill.  Undoubtedly, you aren’t as excited as you should be about this because the truth is, your job has just begun.  Now you must coordinate the 101 steps necessary to get the new hire ready to start work.

Then again, perhaps you are like Gerry Young, SCIO of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, who realized that while the state didn't have money to spend on yet another popular technology tool, they could certainly do a better job consolidating their existing infrastructure.  In doing so, they could be (and would be) reducing IT costs and taking the pain away for the hundreds of employees who engage across the 140 state agencies through the use of BPM.

So how do you make the pain go away?

One process to go, please.

Over and over again our prospects and customers tell us to just take away one process pain.  After we take that pain away, the news spreads like wildfire through the organization.  And, before you can say “process”, the next pain is articulated and the solution simulated.

Business process management isn't rocket science.  Nor is it magical.  It's simply creating a mechanism by which all employees with real process pain can discover, design, simulate, automate and continuously optimize day-to-day business processes.

And why on earth would you want to do that?

Because Ultimus BPM helps you work smarter, not harder.  It puts money back into the business, not in technology.

Can you say “End of the year bonuses?”

Yes, I’ll have one process to go, please.


Relevant Links:

What are Your Go To BPM Resources?

Commonwealth of Massachussetts: Expanding on Process Improvement

BPM Rules and Alerts - Helping Avoid Process Hiccups  


LaMont Bullock

Business Development Manager
