Download our Free White Paper: Health IT Best Practices for Improving and Restructuring the Healthcare Industry

Business Process Management serves as an integral piece of successful healthcare organizations today and can position them for the changes in Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) in the coming years. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) encourages process automation initiatives in these areas and best practices adopted by organizations to optimize results.

Learn about:

  • What is required to demonstrate "meaningful use" of technology to take advantage of early financial incentives offered through the HITECH Act
  • Deadlines for mandated changes and incentives for early adoption
  • Current regulations and impact of the new policy changes
  • Proven best practices in HIT
  • Shifts in HIT on the horizon

Please fill out the registration form on the right to learn how BPM can assist your organization in implementing a successful and efficient HIT initiative.

Health IT: HIT Best Practices for Improving and Restructuring the Healthcare Industry

Health IT Best Practices

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