This week we have invited our existing Customer base in for a free 15-day trial of our eLearning community. We've spent the last year researching eLearning methodologies and building lessons to ensure that our program is not only one that is best-of-breed, but also rich with content and effective in its delivery.
While an eLearning initiative can't (and shouldn't) completely replace an instructor-led program, it does provide us the ability to offer a fully "blended" training program - one where information is presented one way (eLearning) and then another (Instructor). This results in an effective reinforcement of concepts and best practices.
The "blending" doesn't end there, though - Offering the ability for students to learn the product fundamentals at their own pace, at their own desk, and then use time and resources for more advanced topics in the classroom provides the ability for our customers to scale with already slashed training budgets.
We all know that repetition and exposure is the key in any learning initiative - this is another area where eLearning excels. Didn't quite catch a concept the first time around? You can repeat the lesson as many times as necessary.
And let's not forget advancement - that's why we don't limit access to courses. If you have a subscription, then you get access to all eLearning content. Additionally we are offering our community tutorials through live and recorded "Webcast Workshops" to introduce practical concepts and tools they might have never known are available within the Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite.
Needless to say, I'm excited about the opportunity that this offering presents to all who want to learn about Ultimus and make the most of their purchase. Ultimately, our success resides in our customer's success, and the most effective way to ensure that success is through the proper training of our product.
Chris Adams
VP Product Marketing and Management