Ultimus Director and Adaptive DiscoveryTM

Ultimus Director

Ultimus Director is used to create and manage the business rules associated with an automated business process within a graphical user interface.

Adaptive DiscoveryTM

Adaptive Discovery™ is a patented technology innovation that sends a proactive notification to the process owner when an undefined or new scenario, known as an “unruly event”, occurs and the process doesn’t know how to route the task. The process owner can troubleshoot the incident in minutes by creating, testing and deploying a new rule using a graphical user environment and without coding. When the new rule is applied, the process "learns" from these decisions and follows them automatically for future matching cases, without involving the process experts. In this way, processes are defined and enhanced the same way they evolve in business - in response to real world business decisions and requirements.

Adaptive DiscoveryTM fosters a new level of cooperation between IT and business - one that is consistent with the way both groups should work today. Since Ultimus Director is an easy to use interface, either business or IT can be assigned as the process owner. In this way, IT "owns" the infrastructure and develops, deploys and manages the consistent, technical aspects of processes-such as data, forms, and integration. This is similar to traditional application projects and an area of strong expertise for IT professionals. At the same time, business "owns" the process and manages the dynamic business aspects of processes such as flow, rules, exceptions, and user roles-through process experts.


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Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite Modules

Changing Rules in Real Time

Ultimus extracts business rules from the process logic and puts them in a business friendly rules environment for Adaptive Discovery. The system, called Ultimus Director allows:

  • Rapid rules change – through Adaptive Discovery
  • Simple drag and drop environment – without programming
  • Straightforward change functionality
  • Built-in Exception Handling – makes it easy to return or resubmit a task or deliver dynamic routing for special cases
  • Readily accessible business rules including: changed, tested and deployed

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