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Release of Ultimus Advanced Task Service (UATS) with Ultimus WebClient 3.0

UATS with WebClient 3.0 provide additional technology support, quality improvements, and enhanced back-end service performance and robustness.

November 4, 2013  Ultimus is happy to announce the release of Ultimus Advanced Task Service (UATS) with Ultimus WebClient 3.0.

The new Ultimus WebClient 3.0 does not only have major GUI improvements, but gives end-users significantly improved usability, and has several new features which open the door to allow for projects that create solutions with greater integration capabilities. Furthermore, UATS with WebClient 3.0 provide additional technology support, quality improvements, and enhanced back-end service performance and robustness. This makes UATS the best fit for the newly released Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4, the fastest and most reliable Ultimus Engine yet.

New features and enhancements of Ultimus Advanced Task Service (UATS) with Ultimus WebClient 3.0 include:

  • Powerful integration options with third-party applications or customized links
  • Improved third-party data integration
  • Native support for the new Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite 8.4
  • Various graphical user interface (GUI) and usability improvements, such as
    • ‘Search as you type’ in various selection dialogs, e.g. within Future Task Management
    • ‘Remember Me’ in the login dialog to remember user name and domain selection
    • Display of user name and user ID in main interface
    • Improved task filtering
    • Multi-column sorting
    • Enhanced paging behavior, including direct page selection via drop-down list
  • New configuration options like default language selection
  • Improved form handling on iPad
  • Improved back end service performance and robustness
  • Improved and extended UATS Administrator
  • Extended UATS license entries, harmonized with Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite license
  • Support for new Microsoft and Oracle technologies (e.g. Windows 8, IE 10, MS SQL Server 2012, Oracle 11g R2, and more)
  • Additional resolutions for previously reported customer issues



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