Ultimus Is Excited To See Process Modeling Usage Growing

by MK Strupe on Wed, Sep 30, 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Last Thursday, I conducted part 1 of a 2 part webcast workshop series on the importance of process modeling.  Each time Ultimus holds a webcast workshop, we provide a poll to our attendees.  The poll for this workshop was:

  • Yes, we currently model our business processes before our automation initiative
  • No, we choose to not model our processes first (for varying reasons)
  • I do not know what Process Modeling is
I was excited to see that 66% of our workshop attendees were actively including process modeling into their continuous process improvement (CPI) initiatives.  While I would love to see 100% of the attendees modeling their processes, compared to 2-3 years ago, 66% is a vast improvement.  Although process modeling is a vital part of any CPI, the fact remains that I continue to see companies skip modeling efforts for reasons such as:
  • Companies may not staff business analysts
  • Process Champions feel they already know the "in's" and "out's" of their business process and the potential risks and rewards
  • Executive pressure to experience ROI on automated processes immediately
Ultimus is committed to helping customers include modeling into their process lifecycles, even when the customer may not have the time and resources available today for this.  Ultimus webcast workshops provide customers not only introductory information on Ultimus Adaptive BPM Suite features and functions, but also on how to get started ASAP using the features.  This information, coupled with process templates, Ultimus' eLearning platform, Ultimus' Center of Excellence consultation and guidance in Process Modeling, allows customers to work with Ultimus hand-in-hand to jump start their use of process modeling.

Have you downloaded Ultimus Process Designer and explored how to quickly and easily map, document, and model your processes?


Related Links:

Getting Started with Process Modeling

Business Processes: Recognizing You Need Business Process Improvements

Mitigate Risk by Modeling Your Business Processes


Chris Adams
VP Product Marketing and Management

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This post was written by MK Strupe